Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Before you know it...

Before I know it, B will be checking out colleges for reals.  For now, we will enjoy our family outings to Poly for events like Open House.  We had originally gone with the intention of watching the tractor pulls, but they were cancelled.  It turned out to be a beautiful day.  There were so many things on display that caught B's attention, including a Blackhawk.

He was definitely inspired because he did 20 legit pushups to earn a Cal Poly ROTC hat.

Several of the clubs on campus had games and activities to play.

By far, the college of Agriculture had the best exhibits of their majors with "learn by doing" at the forefront.  It was nice to show B the academic side of Cal Poly.

Addy also had a big girl week.  She is moving on up and has graduated to a "Sleeping Beauty" bed.  She said she wanted one and that she would sleep in it , so we obliged.  My candy loving little girl, who was a bottle loving baby, had her first trip to the dentist.  Let's just say she is returning for a few more visits.

I hosted Baby Cruz's baby shower (our neighbor) at the house on Saturday with help from fellow neighbors.  The theme was "Little Man."  We had fun making the banners and making snacks pulled from pinterest.  

On this week's fishing trip, B's friend and his dad went along.  Both boys caught few fish.

While the boys were fishing, Addy and I went to support our friends running their first marathon.  They all  were amazing!  So proud of them!

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